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References and Select Bibliography

Appendix C

AEC Group Ltd, 2016. Fremantle Prison – Economic and Social Impact Assessment, unpublished report prepared for the State Heritage Office.

Australian Convict Sites Strategic Plan 2017–2020.

Bavin, L. 1990. Fremantle Prison Conservation and Future Use – Archaeological Zoning Plan of the Prison Compound, report prepared for the WA Department of Planning and Urban Development.

Centre for Aboriginal Studies, Curtin University of Technology, 1992. Fremantle Prison – Significance to Aboriginal People, report prepared for the Building Management Authority.

Donegan, L (Fremantle Prison), 2007. Fremantle Prison Interpretation Policy, unpublished report.

Donegan, L. 2013. Fremantle Prison Heritage Management Plan, unpublished report.

Government of Australia, 2008. Australian Convict Sites World Heritage Nomination.

Government of Australia, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, undated. Australian Convict Sites Strategic Management Framework.

Government of WA/State Heritage Office/Fremantle Prison, 2016. Fremantle Prison Collection Policy, unpublished report.

Heritage Conservation Branch, 2016. Disaster Preparedness Plan, unpublished report for Fremantle Prison.

HeritageTODAY and Fremantle Prison, 2017. Fremantle Prison Collection Significance Assessment, unpublished report.

Kerr, Semple James 1998. Fremantle Prison – A Policy for its Conservation, report prepared for the Department of Contract & Management Services for the Fremantle Prison Trust Advisory Committee.

Lockwood Advisory and Archipelago Arts, 2016. Fremantle Prison Future Uses Project, unpublished report.

Palassis Architects, with Godden Mackay Logan 2010. Fremantle Prison Conservation Management Plan, report prepared for the Department of Treasury and Finance – Building Management and Works Divisions.

Palassis Architects, 2003. Fremantle Prison Heritage Precinct – The Convict Establishment – Master Plan, prepared for the Western Australian Department of Housing and Works.

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