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Existing Plant (Air Con etc.)

Plant, in the form of air-conditioners, chillers, water boilers and the like, are necessary elements of working places. In a sensitive heritage context such as Fremantle Prison they can also be visually (and aurally) intrusive.

SPECIFIC POLICY 14: As a general policy, the introduction of new plant should be kept to a minimum so as to limit any visual and physical impacts. The potential impact of the connections to buildings and the proliferation of new piping and conduits should also be considered when proposing new plant.


SPECIFIC POLICY 15: Where new plant is required, consideration should be given to limiting its scale and extent, and to selecting a location that avoids visual and physical impacts.

SPECIFIC ACTION 13: Remove redundant plant from the site and repair any physical impacts unless it is illustrative of an important historic phase of operation, e.g. engineering related to the Pump House (in some cases plant may constitute ‘movable heritage’).


SPECIFIC ACTION 14: All new plant should be concealed from public view where possible. If placed on a roof, then it should be setback from the roof edges and where necessary placed on platforms so as to avoid damage to roof fabric. Placing new plant on modern roof fabric is preferred to historic fabric.


SPECIFIC ACTION 15: Plant enclosures can be used to conceal new plant but should not be placed in highly visible or sensitive locations. Enclosures should also be clad in a neutral non-reflective material.

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